Sunday, November 7, 2010

Drop Dead Diva!!

Oh, oh, oh!!! I have been waiting to post about Drop Dead Diva's Ms. Brooke Elliott! Not only does this lovely woman portray a sharp, charismatic, witty and so human you have to adore her model turned attorney so well you are positively addicted to the show, she is also a very talented singer and accomplished Broadway actress!

Her singing bits in Drop Dead Diva are magnificent! The show is inspiring and uplifting! You can't help but watch it and walk away with confidence and self-worth. She has a gorgeous smile, rocks out the lipstick (which I have always been jealous of) and has amazing eyebrows! Not to mention her killer curves!

If you haven't caught this show yet, I very highly recommend you do! We love shows that boost our morale as a demographic! It's ok to rock out your body all the time, ladies. Even if you are becoming more healthy in eating habits and exercise, the better you feel about yourself as you are right this very second, the more you will not care about the weight lost and realize what is real importance. Feeling fantabulous about yourself!!

"Have you noticed that people have euphemisms for being overweight? Large, plus sized, full figured and rubenesque. And no one, not even me.... especially not me, wants to say the word "fat". But, fat is only pejorative when we allow places like the Sun Bar to tell us that being fat somehow makes us less of a person." Jane Bingham

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Princess Fiona

I know it's been a while since I have been on. I've been in some kind of a slump lately. But I promise there's more to come. I don't shut up that easily!!

Today's curvy lady in the spotlight? She is a loaded pistol that likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain... Princess Fiona! This girl has it all! The castle, the guy and the ability to eat whatever she chooses. No starving bitch here!! On that note, no starving bitches on my page at all!!

She has gorgeous red hair and a good head on her shoulders. She is a great gal to have around when things get hairy. She has taken down the Fairy Godmother, escaped from a tower and found love and respect both for and from her parents. And she gets to wear a tiara. I wanna tiara. I do think of myself as royalty. I am a Queen something... ;)

So let's give it up for Fiona. She is a curvy girl that kicks ass!

"I want what any princess wants! To live happily ever after. With the ogre I married." ~Princess Fiona

Thursday, September 2, 2010


You heard it right. Today is brought to you by the letter "T", the number "13" and the word "WONDERFUN"!

Wonderfun (wun-der-fuhn)
Having or pertaining to massive amounts of wonderfulness.
Getting tattooed, new shoes and eating an uber chocolatey dessert with Jess was so wonderfun!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tara Lynn

There isn't a whole lot out there on Tara Lynn. She is a gorgeous "plus-size" model. I say that in quotation marks because I hate that saying almost as much as I hate the word "hubby". But let's give her some respect and love because she is setting the bar higher for beauty! It is a state of mind and not just your size.

She did a photo shoot for V Magazine and it lead to a lot of controversy. Mainly because the magazine had published a picture of her along with other plus-size models all of them barely dressed. The talk was about how V was trying to overcompensate for publishing plus-sized models so in turn published pictures of them where they were scantily clad. What bull shit!! If the models were size 2, there wouldn't be a problem on how much clothes they were or weren't wearing. Don't even deny. And besides, the picture where she is wearing nothing but shoes and lipstick? The shoes are hot!! Fashion at it's finest. Shoes!! What woman wouldn't be hooked?

So from now on, if you have a problem, avert your eyes. We are here and we are loving it!!

"I would like to say that I like my body just as much as I ever did. But all the publicity has made it easier. I'm being celebrated now." ~Tara Lynn

Loving Me

I just got totally inspired to make my posts mean something! Let me start from the beginning. I am a size 16 woman. I do love myself. I think I am beautiful, I know I am smart, I am determined, I am loyal, I am funny. What's not to like? I don't know why I have this attitude about myself. Maybe it was years with my brother and our friends. Always hearing things like, "Don't listen to what others think," and, "You can't make everyone else happy. You can only make yourself happy." So that is where I am.

My boyfriend tells me I am beautiful all the time. I have had many fine ass guys tell me I am hot. I have been told by random strangers I am sexy. Why wouldn't I believe that? No reason what-so-ever!! I could look frumpy and hang my head. I could get out of bed and throw on sweats and an XXL t-shirt to hide my rolls. I could pull my hair up and not wear make-up. I could.... but I won't. I refuse to let any number define me! Whether it is the number on the scale, on the tag on my pants, my IQ, my paycheck, my age. It's just a number!! My phone number doesn't bring the feeling of dread. I am not going to refuse to watch channel 348 because I don't like that number. The clock doesn't scare me. It's all just numbers!! Frankly, the only number that kind of scares me is 7. I heard it "eight" 9.

So I want to post a pictures of gorgeous women that are the size of average, everyday women. I know women ranging from size 2 to size 22 and I love them all!! Because they are fun and beautiful and smart and kind and hot and they make me cherish my inner beauty and strength as well as my outter beauty and strength. Thank you to the models/actresses/singers I will post about. I love you for making me love myself even more!!!

My goal is changing the way you see as opposed to what you see. I want to take control of the word "FAT". So many times we conveniently forget all the fat we celebrate. J Lo's booty, Angelina's lips, natural breasts are all celebrated fat.(As a side note, I have nothing against implants. They just are not technically fat.) So now fat is a good thing but only in certain places? Oh! I get it! We can only eat food that makes our lady lumps bigger!! Well hell! If I'da known that years ago.... ?!

Ok people. Get real here. Quit trying to change everyone. Quit trying to make everyone look alike. Hitler tried that. Didn't work out too well for a bunch of people. Be happy with who you are and what you look like. TELL yourself and your body that you are happy. For real. Out loud. Tell yourself that you are beautiful. And most importantly, listen.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


"What does Marcellus Wallace look like?"
"What country you from?"
"'What' ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in 'What'?"
"English mother fucker!!! Do you speak it?"
"Then you understand what I am saying?"
"Describe what Marcellus Wallace looks like!"
"Say 'what' again! Say 'what' again!! I dare ya! I double dare ya mother fucker! Say 'what' one more gat-damn time!"
"He-he's bblack."
"Go on!"
"H-he's bald."
"Does he look like a bitch?"
(Gun shot to the shoulder.)

Do I look like a bitch?

I know what this post represents. If I let myself go off, I might hurt some feelings so I think I'll just leave it at this....

Thanks for your time.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hoping, Wishing, Praying.

Do you ever get delusional, and I mean totally delusional about someone? I have these fantastic little fantasies I play out in my head all the time. I will start thinking of a crush and I can start picturing long, deep, moving talks that lead deep into the night. I can picture making dinner for him and seeing him smile in appreciation. I can totally see our wedding and in my head. The ring, the dress, the guests and our first song; "At Last" by Etta James.

It's so perfect in my head. He loves me as much as I love him. We gallivant off to our honeymoon in Greece and have a wonderful time!
Ok, I really don't get that far in my head. But it is pretty detailed and never boring. Daydreaming I guess. At night or during the day. Not just my current crush either. Different people, different situations. I imaging running into my arch-nemesis and totally have something brilliant and witty and cutting before I sock her ugly ass face.

Now let me clarify to all of you, I am a person that finds something to compliment about most people I see. Shoes, handbag, shirt, make-up, hair..... something! And I hold doors open for folks, help little old ladies by taking their cart to the cart corral. I say "excuse me," and "please," and "thank you." But this girls heart makes her ugly. Well, her heart and her face. But her mouth is on that ugly ass face and man does she run it!

So yeah, I imagine situations about running into *over* her or maybe into Chari. My used-to-be-best-friend. I won't hit her, but I would love to have something totally clever and dazzling to say to her! I am a witty girl. It's in there a lot of the times. But sometimes I am at a complete loss.
I will get so detailed about these run-ins that it's a little scary sometimes!

And I don't just think up these fantasies at night or when I am board. I do it all the time! I can be talking to someone or driving and listening to my iPod. I could be running or cooking. I do it all the time. Maybe I'm a little crazy. "We all go a little mad sometimes."

I guess it is a talent/curse kind of thing. It can entertain me for hours but I always wonder which parts are true in the end. Rather which parts COULD become true. Guess it gives me something to think about right?